Recent Cases and Legal Analysis

Our Firm Obtains Release for Client Initially Denied Bond in SDGA Drug Trafficking Case

April 8, 2024
Last week, our firm was able to get a rare win in federal court—we convinced a federal judge to overturn a prior judge’s order denying our client bond in a large-scale federal drug trafficking case. As a result of that victory, our client will now get to prepare for his trial from the comfort and […]

UPDATE: Georgia Governor Signs New Hemp Regulations–What’s Changing?

April 2, 2024
On “Sine Die,” the final day of the legislative term in Georgia, the state legislature passed Senate Bill 494, a bill establishing a regulatory framework and other rules and requirements for businesses that sell or manufacture hemp and hemp products. On April 30, 2024, Governor Brian Kemp signed the bill, which will go into effect […]

Attorney Tom Church Testifies Before Georgia Senate; Helps Kill Anti-Hemp Bill

April 1, 2024
Leading up to the final days of the legislative session in Georgia’s General Assembly, Attorney Tom Church was called on to testify before the Senate’s Committee on Regulated Industries regarding a Hemp Bill that would effectively shut down hundreds of hemp retailers across the state of Georgia. The bill, House Bill 1322, would have done […]




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