Employment Law

Recent Cases

Can a business discriminate against older employees due to coronavirus concerns?

May 8, 2020
No, an employer cannot discriminate against older employees due to coronavirus concerns. This means that employers can’t fire, refuse to rehire, or force older employees into jobs with less pay or responsibility. Employers also can’t force older employees to work from home merely because the employee’s age makes him or her more susceptible to the […]

Does an Employer Have to Allow Teleworking for Employees Who Are At Risk for COVID-19?

May 1, 2020
In some situations, yes. An employer may have to allow an employee to telework instead of reporting back to the office if the employee can show that a disability requires teleworking as a reasonable accommodation. Whether teleworking is considered to be a reasonable accommodation depends on the nature of the disability and the specific job […]




Thomas Church
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