Applying for a Presidential pardon or commutation of a sentence is often the last opportunity someone has to get relief from a federal conviction. The pardon process is often confusing and without many concrete rules. Recently, however sources inside the Biden administration have been signaling a coming change to the process for federal pardons and […]
Even though several states have legalized marijuana, you can still be arrested and prosecuted for growing marijuana unlawfully. Law enforcement agencies at the federal and state level still devote significant resources into investigating illegal marijuana “grow operations,” which involve the use of multiple “grow houses” in residential neighborhoods to grow large amounts of marijuan…
On May 3, 2021, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed probation reform bill, SB 105, into law. The new law helps provide relief to people who are serving long sentences on felony probation if they meet certain criteria. This law is the latest in a line of legislation aimed at reducing the state’s overgrown population of […]
In many states, Delta-8 products have been banned despite the popular opinion that these products are not “controlled substances” under federal law. In our blog post from March, we explained how Delta-8 is a hemp-derived cannabis product that has become extremely popular across America, even as law enforcement and distributors disagree on its legality. In […]
Sitting as a Grand Chamber, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled on May 12, 2021, that a provisional arrest pursuant to a request from a non-European nation only violates European law on ne bis in idem grounds if there has been a finding that the notice is based on the same acts as those […]