Criminal Defense

Recent Cases

Our Firm Secures Dismissal of Federal Child Pornography Charges

November 30, 2015
I thought I would be picking a jury today in a federal child pornography case, but the prosecutor dismissed the case a few days ago. Our client had been charged with violations of 19 U.S.C. § 2252, which meant that he faced a minimum of ten years in prison if convicted on any charge. Fortunately, […]

A Second Chance for First Offender Act Treatment in Georgia Criminal Cases

November 25, 2015
A new Georgia law allows people to take advantage of the First Offender Act even after they have been sentenced. Under Georgia’s First Offender Act, an individual’s criminal case is discharged and the individual is completely exonerated of any criminal wrongdoing. Before the change in law, an individual could only receive First Offender treatment at […]

Our firm helps client avoid prison in federal drug conspiracy case

August 28, 2015
Earlier this week, our firm was able to assist a client in a federal drug conspiracy case in the Northern District of Florida. The case involved a number of wiretaps, confidential informants, undercover officers, and three co-defendants who were cooperating with the Government. Our client had been intercepted on one of the wiretaps discussing a […]

Our firm wins “Not Guilty” verdicts in federal drug conspiracy trial

June 30, 2015
Last week, Page Pate won another federal drug conspiracy trial. Our client was charged with being in a drug conspiracy and possessing, with intent to distribute, controlled substances. The case lasted two full weeks and was tried before a jury in the Middle District of Georgia, Albany Division, in front of Senior Judge Louis Sands. […]

“Operation Pilluted” is Another Example of DEA Excess in Alleged “Pill Mill” Cases

May 21, 2015
The DEA just announced that law enforcement officers have arrested hundreds of people, including 22 doctors and pharmacists, in connection with “Operation Pilluted.” This DEA investigation targeted alleged “pill mills” where physicians were supposedly over-prescribing pain medication including Oxycodone, Hydrocodone and the anti-anxiety drug Xanax. Although the DEA and Department of…




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