Criminal Defense

Recent Cases

Our Firm Helps Client Get Federal Child Porn Charges Dismissed

February 18, 2022
Earlier this month, federal prosecutors in Virginia agreed to dismiss child pornography distribution and obstruction of justice charges against our client, a criminal defense lawyer, less than a month before the trial was scheduled to begin. The charges were brought against our client who was allegedly using sexually suggestive images of a minor to confront […]

Help for People Whose Lawyers Did Not Tell Them About New Virginia Criminal Laws

January 30, 2022
In 2020 and 2021, the Virginia legislature passed a series of new laws which made it easier to defend certain cases.  In many instances, attorneys have failed to tell their clients about these laws, resulting in many convictions where defendants did not know about the changes.  The failure to advise regarding these new laws may […]

Raising an Autism or Intellectual Disorder Defense in a Virginia Criminal Case

January 30, 2022
Virginia recently passed a new law providing a powerful defense for certain people charged with serious crimes. Under Virginia Code 19.2-303.6, a person who has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or another intellectual disability can petition the court defer their case, put them on probation, and eventually dismiss their charges if the person shows […]

A New Law For Sealing Felony Criminal Records in Virginia

January 30, 2022
Earlier this year, Virginia passed a new law that will allow people with certain criminal convictions to have their criminal records expunged and sealed. The new law applies to almost all misdemeanor convictions and certain felony convictions, including convictions for serious felony offenses such as child pornography, assault and battery, and voluntary manslaughter. The new […]

What is a Special Grand Jury?

January 21, 2022
Page Pate explains special grand juries under Georgia law and how they are different from regular grand juries   What is a special grand jury? In Georgia, a special grand jury is a type of grand jury that is allowed to hear witness testimony, issue subpoenas for witnesses or documents to investigate a case that’s […]




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