Legal Analysis

Recent Cases

What Happens When the Government Seizes Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrency?

April 12, 2022
In February of this year, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the seizure of more than 94,000 bitcoin from an account belonging to a New York couple who was arrested the same day the seizure was announced. The complaint and affidavit authorizing their arrest allege the government’s belief that the bitcoin was part of a […]

What is a Special Grand Jury?

January 21, 2022
Page Pate explains special grand juries under Georgia law and how they are different from regular grand juries   What is a special grand jury? In Georgia, a special grand jury is a type of grand jury that is allowed to hear witness testimony, issue subpoenas for witnesses or documents to investigate a case that’s […]

Are Delta-8 Products Illegal? In Some States, Yes.

June 8, 2021
In many states, Delta-8 products have been banned despite the popular opinion that these products are not “controlled substances” under federal law. In our blog post from March, we explained how Delta-8 is a hemp-derived cannabis product that has become extremely popular across America, even as law enforcement and distributors disagree on its legality. In […]

What is a Brady Violation?

March 12, 2021
A “Brady Violation” is what happens when the prosecutors in a criminal case fail to perform their constitutional duty to turn over helpful evidence to the people they have charged with crimes. Everyone has the right to due process and a fair trial. Because of that, when the Government has evidence suggesting a person is either […]

What happens at a bond hearing?

May 27, 2020
Attorney Page Pate explains what happens at a bond hearing and how someone can be released from jail pending trial in a serious criminal case     TRANSCRIPT: When someone has been arrested and taken to jail, the very first thing they want to do is to get out of jail. And that’s totally understandable. […]




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