The personal injury attorneys at Pate, Johnson & Church have many years of experience in trying complex and challenging cases before juries across Georgia and in several other states. Our lawyers work closely with every client we have to prepare their case for trial. Our hard work pays off for our clients in helping them get the best possible result at trial. Unlike many personal injury attorneys in Atlanta who handle a high volume of cases and focus only on settlements, we are experts at winning trials.
Of course, most of our clients would prefer that their personal injury case gets resolved without the need for a jury trial. And that’s fine with us. In our experience, insurance companies and businesses will settle a case for its full value only if they think they may lose the case at trial. Our reputation in court, build over decades in winning serious criminal cases, helps us successfully resolve serious personal injury cases that other firms are unwilling, or unable, to win at trial.
Our experienced injury lawyers have handled various personal injury cases throughout the years. Some of our biggest cases involved car accidents, trucking accidents, child injury, and wrongful death. Accident injury victims have a lot to contend with: medical bills, lost income, emotional pain, and more. In addition, insurance companies deny claims or fight tooth and nail to pay as little as possible when they should be helping you. Our attorneys provide you the best chance at recovering the compensation you deserve following an accident.
Our firm accepts only a handful of personal injury cases at any one time. We limit our practice this way so we can devote all the resources, time, and attention necessary to prepare each case for trial. Unlike some lawyers who just want to accept the first offer and close the case, we will not quit until we have either won the case at trial or secured the best possible pretrial settlement for our client in every personal injury case we accept.
If you need a personal injury attorney who won’t try to settle your case for less than it’s worth, call us now for a free and confidential consultation. Even if you already have a lawyer, we can give you a second opinion about the value of your case and explain how we may be able to help you win. Our personal injury attorneys serve clients across Georgia.
Not satisfied with your current personal injury attorney in Georgia? You have a right to a new lawyer at no additional cost to you. Find out how easy it is to switch to our firm.
Contact us in Atlanta GA, Brunswick GA, Alexandria VA, or Washington DC.
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Centennial Tower
101 Marietta Street NW
Suite 3300
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
(404) 223-3310
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