Recent Cases and Legal Analysis

Ahmaud Arbery Case Leads to Murder Charges

May 8, 2020
Pate, Johnson & Church has been representing people charged in serious criminal cases in the State of Georgia for over 25 years. Attorney Page Pate, who is recognized as a legal analyst and a criminal defense lawyer, is often asked by the media to provide opinions and analysis of high-profile cases appearing in the news. […]

Employee Rights When Returning to Work

May 7, 2020
Pate, Johnson & Church are experienced business and employment law attorneys who assist their clients with a variety of litigation matters and employment disputes. When important business and employment legal issues appear in the news, media will often contact Attorney Page Pate, who is recognized as a constitutional attorney and legal analyst, for his analysis […]

Our firm wins “compassionate release” for BOP inmate based on COVID-19 pandemic

May 1, 2020
Today, our firm won a motion for “compassionate release” for an inmate at a BOP facility (FCI Butner) because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The judge issued an order requiring the “immediate release” of our client. Our client was released after serving less than half of his sentence. We put together a persuasive motion detailing the […]

Does an Employer Have to Allow Teleworking for Employees Who Are At Risk for COVID-19?

May 1, 2020
In some situations, yes. An employer may have to allow an employee to telework instead of reporting back to the office if the employee can show that a disability requires teleworking as a reasonable accommodation. Whether teleworking is considered to be a reasonable accommodation depends on the nature of the disability and the specific job […]

I-9 Immigration Audits Are On the Rise and May Lead to Criminal Prosecution

April 24, 2020
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has ramped up the number of Form I-9 inspections in recent years, indicating that employee verification has become a top priority for ICE.  While the increase in audits has impacted numerous industries, our firm has seen a particular interest by ICE in auditing restaurants, construction companies, and nail salons.  […]




Thomas Church
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