Recent Cases and Legal Analysis

Exploding E-Cigarette Causes Texas Man’s Wrongful Death

February 21, 2019
News outlets across the country have been reportingon the tragic case of William Brown, a young man in Texas who died after an electronic cigarette exploded in his mouth. According to doctors, metal pieces from the defective product lodged themselves in Brown’s throat and cut an artery in his neck. Due to the lack of […]

Wire Act Prosecutions expected to increase with new DOJ opinion

February 1, 2019
The Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel recently published an opinionreviewing the Department’s interpretation of the federal Wire Act. The Wire Act has been a tool for prosecuting certain gambling activities since 1961. Codified as 18 U.S.C. § 1084, the Wire Act states that: Whoever being engaged in the business of betting or wagering […]

Updated U.S. Attorneys’ Manual renamed “The Justice Manual”

February 1, 2019
For the first time in over 20 years, the Department of Justice has updated the United States Attorneys’ Manual, including giving it a new name – “The Justice Manual.” The Justice Manual is a key resource for U.S. attorneys, detailing not only the current laws that govern federal criminal and civil cases, but also the […]

Atlanta DA sues Justice Department for records in potential police excessive force case

January 18, 2019
Pate & Johnson has successfully represented many individuals who have been victims of excessive police force. Attorney Page Pate is recognized as both a constitutional and criminal defense attorney and is frequently contacted by the media for his opinion on current legal issues and cases in the news. In this case, the Fulton County District […]

Michael Flynn prosecution suggests more foreign agent prosecutions

January 18, 2019
For over 20 years, Pate & Johnson has represented people charged in serious federal criminal cases. Attorney Page Pate, who is recognized as a legal analyst, is sometimes contacted by media to discuss important cases appearing in the news. In this case, Bijan Rafiekian, the former business partner of Michael Flynn, the United States National […]




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