Recent Cases and Legal Analysis

Will the Dimaya decision help federal inmates serve less time?

November 25, 2018
The answer is “maybe.” Earlier this month, the U.S District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, along with other district courts in the United States, issued an order calling for a comprehensive review of defendants who may be eligible for resentencing under the Supreme Court’s ruling in Sessions v. Dimaya, which struck down 18 […]

Federal prosecutors send warning notices about opioids to local doctors

October 6, 2018
Federal prosecutors announced yesterday that they have sent letters to 30 doctors in the metro Atlanta and North Georgia area, putting them “on notice” that the federal government believes they are prescribing too much pain medication. While the government describes this as a “notice,” this is really a warning to these doctors that they risk […]

Our Firm Helps Family Recover Six-Figure Settlement in Daycare Injury Case

September 12, 2018
This week, our firm finalized a settlement on behalf of a family whose child was sexually assaulted by an older child at a daycare. While the identities of the family and daycare center must remain confidential under the terms of the settlement, we succeeded in getting a significant six-figure award for their child because we […]

Discussing Kavanaugh Confirmation

September 11, 2018
Attorney Page Pate, who is recognized as a constitutional attorney and legal analyst, is often contacted by the media to discuss legal issues that appear in the news. In this case, CNN contacted Page to discuss the confirmation hearing of Brett Kavanaugh as the next Justice of the Supreme Court. One of the biggest issues […]

The “Golden State Killer” Case

August 29, 2018
TRANSCRIPT: Lynn: A California judge is expected to rule today on what evidence to make public in the Golden State Killer case. Joseph DeAngelo is accused of at least 12 murders and dozens and dozens of rapes. His attorney says releasing all the documents could taint the jury pool. So I want to bring in […]




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