If you believe that your personal information was released to hackers and potential criminals as a result of the Equifax data breach, you may have a legal claim against the company. This is especially true if you have been a victim of identity theft in the last few months since the breach occurred. Our firm […]
In today’s electronic world, law enforcement officials investigating crimes often seek warrants to search and seize electronic devices that they believe contain incriminating evidence. However, people also store highly personal information on their electronic devices, from memories to entire conversations. Most of this electronically stored information is often irrelevant to the cri…
Transcript – Christi: CNN Legal Analyst Page Pate is here. He’s a Criminal Defense and Constitutional Attorney. And this is important because there is a lot of gray area here. When does hate speech cross the line into a hate crime? Page: I mean, we’re going to see, right? I mean, with all these protests […]
Attorney Page Pate, in defense of his client charged with drug trafficking, explains how fentanyl-related criminal cases are not as “open and shut” as the government says they are.
The Daily Show uses a clip from Page Pate’s interview on CNN to highlight a possible improper motive for the firings of former FBI Director James Comey and former U.S. Attorney Preet Bahara.