Attorney Page Pate, who teaches law at the University of Georgia, explains why Montana Republican Greg Gianforte received a sentence that is reasonable and consistent for this type of case.
A family in Arkansas has suffered the loss of a five-year-old boy after he was left on a daycare van in the summer heat. Family members told reporters that the daycare van from Ascent child care center picked up the child at 6:30 a.m. on Monday and that the van arrived at the day care […]
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines are guidelines that judges consider when determining an appropriate sentence for someone who has been convicted of a federal crime. The Guidelines use a combination of the severity of the crime and a person’s criminal history to calculate a suggested sentencing range. In the past, federal judges were usually required […]
Writing for CNN Opinion, Attorney Page Pate explains the two laws which former Trump National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, may have violated with regards to his communication with Russia — the obscure Logan Act and the law against making a false statement. Pate goes on to explain why it’s likely that neither avenue of prosecution […]