Recent Cases and Legal Analysis

Did Gianforte get a fair sentence?

June 26, 2017
Attorney Page Pate, who teaches law at the University of Georgia, explains why Montana Republican Greg Gianforte received a sentence that is reasonable and consistent for this type of case.

Rosenstein must appoint a special prosecutor

June 26, 2017
Attorney Page Pate explains why an independent prosecutor is necessary to fully resolve the allegations about President Trump and his associates.

Arkansas Child Dies in Ascent Child Care Van from Excessive Heat

June 14, 2017
A family in Arkansas has suffered the loss of a five-year-old boy after he was left on a daycare van in the summer heat.  Family members told reporters that the daycare van from Ascent child care center picked up the child at 6:30 a.m. on Monday and that the van arrived at the day care […]

What are the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and how do they work?

March 14, 2017
  The Federal Sentencing Guidelines are guidelines that judges consider when determining an appropriate sentence for someone who has been convicted of a federal crime. The Guidelines use a combination of the severity of the crime and a person’s criminal history to calculate a suggested sentencing range. In the past, federal judges were usually required […]

Did National Security Adviser Michael Flynn break the law?

February 20, 2017
Writing for CNN Opinion, Attorney Page Pate explains the two laws which former Trump National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, may have violated with regards to his communication with Russia — the obscure Logan Act and the law against making a false statement. Pate goes on to explain why it’s likely that neither avenue of prosecution […]




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