Recent Cases and Legal Analysis

Our Firm Files Lawsuit Against Police for Executing Search Warrant at Wrong House

September 8, 2014
Last week, our firm filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against two police officers who were involved in an unlawful and unconstitutional search of our clients’ home. A team of about ten officers in battle gear raided our clients’ home based on a search warrant that was issued for an entirely different address. The officers […]

Our firm files federal lawsuit against police for their unlawful search of the wrong house

September 6, 2014
Our firm files federal charges on behalf of a local family whose home was unlawfully searched when police read the address wrong.

Will Ferguson Officer Be Charged?

August 23, 2014
Transcript: Christi: Meanwhile, angry protesters and Ferguson, they say they want justice and they’re calling for the arrest of this man, Darren Wilson. He’s the officer who shot and killed unarmed teen, Michael Brown. Will he be forced to testify? Up next, we’re gonna ask legal expert, Page Pate, what he would tell Wilson if […]

Our Firm Defends Doctor Charged with Operating a “Pill Mill”

August 19, 2014
Federal law enforcement agents and the Department of Justice have brought another “pill mill” case against an Atlanta area physician, and he has hired us to help him fight these charges. Dr. Oscar J. Stokes is a well-trained and respected physician who has been practicing pain medicine for over ten years. Dr. Stokes is board-certified […]

Pill Mill Allegations Against Doctor

August 13, 2014
Transcript: News Anchor: Channel Two Action News has uncovered new information after investigators raided a local pain clinic. A warrant we got our hands on reveals the enormous amount of money allegedly taken in by the doctor running the suspected Pill Mill. Man: Live, local, late Breaking. This is Channel Two Action News at 5:00 […]




Thomas Church
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