Recent Cases and Legal Analysis

Our firm is retained to represent U.S. Marine in internet sex sting prosecution in Albany, Georgia

June 28, 2011
Criminal defense attorney Page Pate is retained to represent a U.S. Marine in internet sex sting prosecution and is critical of the sting group.

Our firm is retained to represent U.S. Army Ranger charged in federal drug conspiracy in Atlanta

June 28, 2011
Atlanta attorney Page Pate is retained to represent a U.S. Army Ranger against federal drug conspiracy charges.

Page Pate defends Athens, Georgia, lawyer in a major mortgage fraud case

June 28, 2011
Atlanta-based attorney Page Pate defends Athens, Georgia, lawyer allegedly involved in a major mortgage fraud case as the closing attorney for many properties in Milford Hills.

Our firm is retained to represent an Atlanta Police Officer identified as a subject of a federal criminal investigation

June 28, 2011
Atlanta-based attorney Page Pate is retained to represent an APD officer in a federal criminal investigation.

Page Pate argues before the Georgia Supreme Court for a well-respected physician charged with unlawfully prescribing drugs

June 28, 2011
Attorney Page Pate argues before the Georgia Supreme Court regarding the case of a well-respected area doctor charged with illegal prescription of pharmaceuticals.




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