Our firm helps client get his life sentence reduced to “time served”

A federal judge in New Orleans granted our firm’s motion for compassionate release, filed behalf of our 82-year-old client at the federal prison in Jesup, Georgia. Our client had been sentenced to life in 1988 for smuggling 450 kilograms of cocaine into the U.S., though he was never accused of engaging in any violence or threats of violence. The judge reduced his life sentence to time served.

Earlier this year, the court had denied a motion our client filed without an attorney. This time around, we obtained the client’s medical records and court documents, no easy feat considering they were from the 1980s and mostly had been destroyed. Based on those records, we prepared a strong motion for our client’s release based on his high risk of getting a serious or fatal illness from COVID-19. We also argued that his life sentence for a non-violent drug crime had been excessive.

The judge agreed, and our client is now at home with his family. If you have a family member or loved one serving a sentence in federal prison, they may have options for seeking early release or a sentence reduction, either based on their medical condition, family circumstances, their excessive sentence, or other factors.

Contact our firm to talk to one of our experienced compassionate release attorneys to find out if your loved one is eligible to seek a release or sentence reduction. We are ready to fight for you and your family.


Thomas Church
Rated by Super Lawyers

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